We Created a Better Way
The ARE 5.0 is tough – trying to find the right study material shouldn’t be. Are you scouring the interwebs, buying, borrowing, and collecting piles of material, and still losing sleep, wondering if you’re studying the right stuff in the right way? The fact is you don’t have the time to figure out what to study or plow through 1000s of pages and hours of video to figure it out. That’s our job. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you, had our noses in every NCARB resource, and worked with an outstanding team of experts to bring you top-notch curated ARE 5.0 exam content. Delivered to you in an innovative, effective study ecosystem. CLARE is easy to use, organized, and filled with resources all accessible in one place.
"Thank you for all the insight, assistance, and guidance! I am forever thankful!!!" – J. Schulte

You're Likely to Fail
We’re not going to BS you; the ARE 5.0 pass rates are crap, and it’s a rare candidate that breezes through all six divisions. Your goal is to get licensed, and you will. Just keep moving forward, and we’ll be with you all the way, like an emotional support dog. If you’re feeling anxious, it’s normal. First, take a deep breath, then talk to one of our Expert ARE therapists (support, coach, guide, tutor, whatever you prefer to call it). We’ve been around a long time; we know our stuff and one-on-one support is part of our methodology–not an additional service.
"thank you for the wonderful work you do. I wouldn't have passed without it." – J. Giordini

Real Life Compatible
You’re busy juggling far too many things and, on top of that, studying for the ARE. It’s stressful. We designed CLARE to go wherever you go. It works for quick study when you’ve got a few minutes–with easily digestible content served in delicious bite-sized pieces. And when you have an hour or more for focused study, you can dive in deeper. Effective ARE 5.0 studying meticulously engineered to fit into your lifestyle. CLARE is easy to use, organized, and contains 99% of what you need to Pass. Yes, you can still binge, scroll, and sleep—without guilt. Self-care is important especially while tackling the ARE.
"CLARE included a lot of helpful resources & articles that I did not think about referencing but that actually made all the difference for me between a pass & a fail." – S. Chipino

Value Engineered
We know the entire ARE process is crazy expensive! We did our best to keep all this goodness affordable. You shouldn’t have to give up life’s simple pleasures to study with CLARE. The more candidates benefit from CLARE, the easier it is to keep it that way. You’re investing in your future, not your ARE test prep.
"Without the CLARE ARE app I don't think I would have made it through all of my exams. This app is worth every penny." – Z. Long