Best Practices for the ARE 5.0 – Study Habits

How to Build Effective Study Habits for the ARE 5.0 Life gets busy with family obligations and work responsibilities. It's natural to get distracted when pulled in many directions. Establishing good ARE 5.0 study habits is crucial to navigating these challenges effectively. Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday. - Napoleon Hill Understanding the Best Way to Study for ARE 5.0 There is no... Read More
Lying About the ARE Exam Could Help You Pass, Seriously

Few people outside the world of architecture can understand the scope, difficulty, and challenges posed by the ARE 5.0 exam. Tackling the licensure process and passing all six exams is a major commitment of time and money, not to mention the inevitable injury to your self-esteem along the way. You know it's a herculean task, but not many others will get it. And all those questions, smirks, and expectations only add to the pressure you and most ARE candidates feel. The fact is, even... Read More
New Resolutions + New Habits = Transform Your Life.

How to Create an ARE Study Habit that Sticks. It’s January, you’ve made your “get architecture license” new year’s resolution, and purchased some ARE 5.0 study materials. But have you taken any real steps toward achieving your goal? Shopping is easy and purchasing stuff we think we need to start working towards our goal feels good. People join a gym, buy workout clothes, or stock their fridge with healthy foods. But that won’t get you to the gym 3 times a week, or force you... Read More